Is it too late saying “Merry X’mas”? Did you have a nice day? In Japan, many people go out on X’mas eve and X’mas. I went to “CIRUQE DU SOLEIL Theater” which is located in Maihama. Do you know CIRUQE DU SOLEIL? It’s a kind of circus. It was so cool, exiting, and fantastic!! And dinner at Bay Hilton Hotel was so delicious. I had a good time.
AGU mambers gathered on Dec.19th for our X'mas party. Everyone there looked very fine and I yearnd for 2 weeks in America.
& Happy New Year!! I went to Makuhari to attend countdown live on Dec.31st. The live’s performer was GLAY. GLAY is a famous rock band in Japan. I’m a fan of them! This year I want to become more wonderful lady and a person who are not late.
& Happy Birthday to Me!! I have become 19 years old on Jan.6th. I’m waiting birthday present from you!!
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